This is the code for the Home Automation project. Here we have connected ESP32 with various sensors & actuators like DHT22, LDR Sensor, PIR Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor, LED, Relays & Buzzer.
Also, the project can be then connected to the Blynk App/Web-Dashboard to check the status/values from sensors and set a notification for Alert. Find the Project circuit diagram here - Link
Project working -
Part 1: DHT22 sensor will sense the room temperature continuously and in the code logic we have defined that if the temperature is above 30 Degrees Celcius then the room is a little warm and 1 LED glows to indicate the same, on the other hand, if the temperature is above 60 then buzzer turns ON as an alarm plus a push notification is sent to the Blynk App.
Part 2: PIR Sensor & LDR Sensor senses human presence & light intensity and based on that send a signal to the relay/s to turn ON/OFF the Bulb, Fan connected to the relay/s.
Part 3: The Ultrasonic sensor detects human presence (if in 50cms range of the door) and based on that opens & closes the door(here for the prototype project we rotate the servo motor)
Part 4: Everything happening is sent to the Blynk Cloud and then displayed on Blynk Web Dashboard or Blynk Mobile App.
Home Automation Project using ESP32 & Blynk Cloud project code
The Zip file contains 3 files -
- Sketch.ino -> Contains code for the project which can be directly uploaded to Arduino IDE or wokwi platform
- Sketch.txt -> Contains code for the project in a text file format
- ESP8266 instead of ESP32 -> Contains steps/points on what changes you need to make if you are using ESP8266 board instead of ESP32 board.
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