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Wireless Home Surveillance System Using PIC Microcontroller

Writer's picture: Sanskruti AshtikarSanskruti Ashtikar

Updated: Nov 26, 2024


A Wireless Home Surveillance System enhances security by allowing homeowners to monitor their property remotely. By leveraging a PIC Microcontroller, you can create a robust and efficient surveillance system that integrates various sensors and communication technologies. This article provides a comprehensive guide to designing and implementing such a system.

Components of the System

  1. PIC Microcontroller:

  2. Model: PIC16F877A or similar

  3. Function: Serves as the central control unit for the surveillance system, managing sensor data and communication.

  4. Wireless Communication Module:

  5. Model: ESP8266 or ESP32

  6. Function: Provides Wi-Fi connectivity for remote access and monitoring.

  7. Camera Module:

  8. Model: OV7670 or similar

  9. Function: Captures video footage and images for surveillance.

  10. Motion Sensor:

  11. Model: PIR Sensor

  12. Function: Detects movement and triggers recording or alerts.

  13. Microphone:

  14. Model: Electret Microphone

  15. Function: Captures audio for additional surveillance features.

  16. Relay Module:

  17. Purpose: Controls high-voltage components, such as alarms or lights, based on sensor input.

  18. Power Supply:

  19. Type: Rechargeable battery or AC adapter

  20. Purpose: Powers the microcontroller, sensors, and other components.

  21. User Interface:

  22. Options: Web-based dashboard or mobile application

  23. Function: Allows users to view live video feeds, receive alerts, and control the system remotely.

Design Considerations

  1. Security:

  2. Implement encryption and secure communication protocols to protect video and audio data from unauthorized access.

  3. Wireless Connectivity:

  4. Ensure stable Wi-Fi connectivity for reliable data transmission and remote access.

  5. Power Management:

  6. Design the system to be energy-efficient, and consider using a rechargeable battery or power-saving modes.

  7. Camera Placement:

  8. Position the camera modules to cover key areas and ensure adequate lighting for clear image capture.

  9. User Interface:

  10. Develop an intuitive interface for easy access to live feeds, recorded footage, and system controls.

Building the System

1. Microcontroller and Wireless Module Integration

  • Connecting the Wireless Module:

  • Connect the ESP8266 or ESP32 module to the PIC microcontroller via UART. Ensure proper configuration for Wi-Fi communication.

  • Programming the PIC Microcontroller:

  • Write firmware to handle data from sensors, control the camera module, and manage communication with the wireless module.

#include <xc.h>
#define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000
void setup() {
    TRISB = 0x00;  // Set PORTB as output for relay control
    PORTB = 0x00;  // Initialize PORTB to 0
    // Initialize UART for communication with Wi-Fi module
    TXSTAbits.SYNC = 0;
    TXSTAbits.SENDB = 0;
    TXSTAbits.CSRC = 0;
    RCSTAbits.SPEN = 1;
    RCSTAbits.CREN = 1;
void sendData(const char *data) {
    while (*data) {
        TXREG = *data++;
        while (!PIR1bits.TXIF);
void loop() {
    // Example code to control a relay
    if (/* condition based on sensor data */) {
        PORTBbits.RB0 = 1;  // Turn on relay for alarm
    } else {
        PORTBbits.RB0 = 0;  // Turn off relay

2. Camera Module Integration

  • Connecting the Camera:

  • Connect the OV7670 camera module to the microcontroller via appropriate data and control pins. Implement functions to capture images and process video data.

  • Streaming Video Data:

  • Use the ESP8266/ESP32 to stream video data to a web server or cloud service. Implement a protocol to handle video transmission.

void captureImage() {
    // Example code to capture an image
    // Implement actual image capture and processing logic

3. Motion Sensor Integration

  • Connecting the PIR Sensor:

  • Connect the PIR sensor to the microcontroller’s input pin. Implement code to detect motion and trigger recording or alerts.

void checkMotion() {
    if (/* PIR sensor detects motion */) {
        // Trigger recording or alert
        PORTBbits.RB1 = 1;  // Example: turn on an indicator
    } else {
        PORTBbits.RB1 = 0;  // Turn off indicator

4. Microphone Integration

  • Connecting the Microphone:

  • Connect the electret microphone to an analog input pin on the microcontroller. Implement code to capture and process audio data.

void captureAudio() {
    // Example code to capture audio
    // Implement actual audio capture and processing logic

5. User Interface Development

  • Creating a Web Interface:

  • Develop a web-based dashboard using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Use the ESP8266/ESP32 to host a web server and serve the dashboard

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Home Surveillance Dashboard</title>
    <h1>Home Surveillance System</h1>
    <img id="cameraFeed" src="/stream" alt="Camera Feed">
    <button onclick="toggleAlarm()">Toggle Alarm</button>
        function toggleAlarm() {
  • Mobile Application:

  • Develop a mobile app or use an existing IoT platform to provide remote access to live feeds and system controls.

Testing and Optimization

  1. Functional Testing:

  2. Test each component individually and as part of the complete system. Verify video capture, motion detection, audio capture, and remote access.

  3. Security Testing:

  4. Ensure that the system’s communication and data are secured. Test encryption and access controls.

  5. Performance Optimization:

  6. Optimize code and hardware design to improve system responsiveness and efficiency.

  7. User Experience Testing:

  8. Gather feedback from users to enhance the web interface and mobile application. Make adjustments based on usability and functionality.


A Wireless Home Surveillance System using a PIC Microcontroller offers a powerful solution for home security and monitoring. By integrating components such as cameras, motion sensors, and wireless communication modules, you can create a comprehensive system that provides real-time surveillance and control.

The development of such a system requires careful consideration of security, connectivity, and user interface design. With the right approach, you can build a reliable and efficient surveillance solution that enhances home security and provides peace of mind.

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