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Wireless Electronic Notice Board Using PIC Microcontroller

Writer's picture: Sanskruti AshtikarSanskruti Ashtikar

Updated: Jan 27


In today's fast-paced world, communication of information in public places is essential, and electronic notice boards play a crucial role in this. They are widely used in educational institutions, offices, railway stations, and other public places to display important messages. A wireless electronic notice board enhances this system by allowing remote updates via wireless communication, eliminating the need for manual changes or wired connections. In this article, we will explore the design and implementation of a wireless electronic notice board using a PIC microcontroller and a wireless module like Bluetooth or Zigbee.

Overview of the Project

The project involves creating a wireless electronic notice board where messages can be sent remotely via a wireless module interfaced with a PIC microcontroller. The message received is then displayed on an LCD screen or an LED matrix. This system allows for quick updates and ensures that the displayed information is always current. The wireless communication can be achieved using Bluetooth, Zigbee, or Wi-Fi modules, depending on the range and application requirements.

Components Required

  • PIC Microcontroller (PIC16F877A): The central processing unit that controls the entire system.

  • Wireless Module (e.g., HC-05 Bluetooth module or Zigbee module): Enables wireless communication between the microcontroller and the transmitting device (like a smartphone or computer).

  • LCD Display (16x2) or LED Matrix: Displays the messages sent to the notice board.

  • Push Buttons (Optional): For manual message updates or settings.

  • Oscillator (Crystal and Capacitors): Provides the necessary clock signal to the microcontroller.

  • Power Supply: To power the microcontroller and other components.

  • Resistors and Capacitors: For circuit stability and protection.

  • Connecting Wires: For making connections between different components.

  • Breadboard/PCB: For assembling the circuit.

Circuit Diagram

Below is a basic circuit diagram for the wireless electronic notice board system:Introduction

In today's fast-paced world, communication of information in public places is essential, and electronic notice boards play a crucial role in this. They are widely used in educational institutions, offices, railway stations, and other public places to display important messages. A wireless electronic notice board enhances this system by allowing remote updates via wireless communication, eliminating the need for manual changes or wired connections. In this article, we will explore the design and implementation of a wireless electronic notice board using a PIC microcontroller and a wireless module like Bluetooth or Zigbee.

Overview of the Project

The project involves creating a wireless electronic notice board where messages can be sent remotely via a wireless module interfaced with a PIC microcontroller. The message received is then displayed on an LCD screen or an LED matrix. This system allows for quick updates and ensures that the displayed information is always current. The wireless communication can be achieved using Bluetooth, Zigbee, or Wi-Fi modules, depending on the range and application requirements.

Components Required

  • PIC Microcontroller (PIC16F877A): The central processing unit that controls the entire system.

  • Wireless Module (e.g., HC-05 Bluetooth module or Zigbee module): Enables wireless communication between the microcontroller and the transmitting device (like a smartphone or computer).

  • LCD Display (16x2) or LED Matrix: Displays the messages sent to the notice board.

  • Push Buttons (Optional): For manual message updates or settings.

  • Oscillator (Crystal and Capacitors): Provides the necessary clock signal to the microcontroller.

  • Power Supply: To power the microcontroller and other components.

  • Resistors and Capacitors: For circuit stability and protection.

  • Connecting Wires: For making connections between different components.

  • Breadboard/PCB: For assembling the circuit.

Circuit Diagram

Below is a basic circuit diagram for the wireless electronic notice board system:

Wireless Module (HC-05/Zigbee)  -->  PIC16F877A  -->  LCD Display/LED Matrix
              |                      |
          Power Supply            Push Buttons (Optional)
  1. Wireless Module to PIC Microcontroller:

  2. The wireless module is connected to the PIC microcontroller via UART (TX and RX pins). This allows the microcontroller to receive messages wirelessly.

  3. The module’s Vcc and GND are connected to the power supply.

  4. PIC Microcontroller to LCD Display/LED Matrix:

  5. The microcontroller’s output pins (data and control pins) are connected to the corresponding pins of the LCD display or LED matrix to show the messages.

  6. Push Buttons (Optional):

  7. Optional push buttons can be connected to the microcontroller for manual message updates or other settings.

  8. Power Supply:

  9. The entire system, including the microcontroller, wireless module, and display, is powered by a suitable DC power supply, typically 5V.

Working Principle

  1. Wireless Communication:

  2. The wireless module (e.g., Bluetooth HC-05) pairs with a transmitting device such as a smartphone or computer. Messages are sent from the transmitting device to the wireless module.

  3. Message Reception and Processing:

  4. The PIC microcontroller receives the message data from the wireless module via UART. It processes this data and prepares it for display.

  5. Message Display:

  6. The microcontroller sends the processed message data to the LCD display or LED matrix, which then shows the message on the screen.

  7. Manual Update (Optional):

  8. If push buttons are included, the user can manually update the display or adjust settings without using the wireless communication.

Programming the PIC Microcontroller

The microcontroller is programmed using Embedded C or Assembly language. Below is an example of a basic code snippet in Embedded C for this project:

#include <pic16f877a.h>
#include <lcd.h> // Assumed LCD library for easy interfacing
// Function prototypes
void init_system();
void uart_init();
unsigned char uart_receive();
void display_message(unsigned char *message);
void delay(unsigned int ms);
void main() {
    unsigned char message[32];
    unsigned char i = 0;
    while(1) {
        // Receive message wirelessly
        for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
            message[i] = uart_receive();
            if (message[i] == '\0') break; // Stop at null character
        // Display the received message
        delay(1000); // Small delay for stability
void init_system() {
    TRISC = 0x80; // Set RC7 as input for RX, others as output
    uart_init(); // Initialize UART for communication with wireless module
    lcd_init(); // Initialize LCD
void uart_init() {
    SPBRG = 25; // Baud rate 9600 for 20MHz oscillator
    TXSTA = 0x20; // Enable transmitter
    RCSTA = 0x90; // Enable receiver and serial port

unsigned char uart_receive() {
    while(!RCIF); // Wait for data to be received
    return RCREG; // Return received byte
void display_message(unsigned char *message) {
void delay(unsigned int ms) {
    unsigned int i, j;
    for(i = 0; i < ms; i++)
        for(j = 0; j < 1275; j++);

Explanation of the Code

  • TRISC: Configures the necessary pins as input or output. In this case, RC7 is used to receive data from the wireless module.

  • uart_init(): Initializes UART communication for receiving data from the wireless module.

  • uart_receive(): Waits for and returns a byte of data received via UART.

  • display_message(): Takes the received message and displays it on the LCD screen.

  • message[]: An array used to store the received message before displaying it.

Advantages of a Wireless Electronic Notice Board

  • Remote Updates: Allows messages to be updated remotely without the need for physical access to the board.

  • Ease of Use: Simple to operate with a smartphone or computer, making it convenient for users.

  • Flexibility: Can be used in various environments, including schools, offices, and public places.

  • Real-time Communication: Messages can be updated in real-time, ensuring that information is always current.


A wireless electronic notice board using a PIC microcontroller is a practical and modern solution for public communication. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can build your own wireless notice board, making it easier to update and display important messages remotely. This project demonstrates the practical application of microcontrollers in wireless communication and provides a foundation for more advanced notice board systems.

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