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Voice Automated Car

Writer: Nagashree R NadigNagashree R Nadig

Updated: Jan 3

Voice automated car is a giant leap towards road safety. The car can be commanded to work efficiently by voice automation. The voice automation assists the driver in the parking of the vehicle. The car senses its environment and plays a significant role in the on-road safety of the car. The voice automation also enhances the security terms of the car as the car will be faithful to its owner. In this project, you will learn to design a #voiceautomatedcar.

Hardware Components - Voice Automated Car

#ArduinoUno board is used for interfacing the input-output elements to construct a project. It is an open-source microcontroller board that can be programmed according to user requirements.

Arduino Uno
Arduino Uno

L298 motor driver is a module that has an H bridge configuration and can control up to two motor drivers independently in clockwise and anticlockwise directions. Each of these motor drivers can be a maximum of 2A each. It acts as a bridge between the microcontroller and the motors used in the project. L298N dual motor driver is used mostly in robotic applications as they are cost-effective and easy to use.

L298N Motor Driver Module
L298N Motor Driver Module

HC-05 Bluetooth module is used in this project to achieve wireless communication between the devices. It follows a serial communication protocol to command the devices connected to it. The module should be associated with a Bluetooth terminal application to receive inputs from the user, transmit and receive data.

HC-05 Bluetooth Modulator
HC-05 Bluetooth Modulator

Li-ion battery is a rechargeable battery used in this project as the power source. Graphite is used in the anode of the battery. The cathode usually is made of metal oxide. Here, the metal is Lithium. Lithium-ion batteries have a greater energy density, are cost-effective, hence are used in portable devices.

Li-ion Battery
Li-ion Battery

Jumper wires have pins and connectors that are used to connect different components on a breadboard.

Jumper Wires
Jumper Wires

Circuit Connections:

Blocks in the circuit diagram-

  • U1 - HC-05 Bluetooth Modulator

  • U2 - Arduino Uno

  • U3 - L298N Motor Driver Module

  • U4, U5, U6, U7 - Motors

Circuit Diagram
Circuit Diagram
  1. Connect the positive pin of the battery to the Vss of the motor driver.

  2. Connect the ground of the battery and the ground pin of the motor driver to ground 1 of the Arduino.

  3. Interconnect U4 and U5 motors as shown in the circuit diagram.

  4. Connect one of the arms of U4 to input 4 (pin12) of the motor driver.

  5. Connect one of the arms of U5 to input 3 (pin10) of the motor driver.

  6. Likewise, interconnect U6 and U7 motors as shown in the diagram.

  7. Connect one of the arms of U6 to input 2 (pin7) of the motor driver.

  8. Connect one of the arms of U7 to input 1 (pin5) of the motor driver.

  9. Connect Vs of the motor driver to Vin of the Arduino.

  10. Connect output 1 (pin2) of the motor driver to D10 of the Arduino.

  11. Connect output 2 (pin3) of the motor driver to D11 of the Arduino.

  12. Connect output 3 (pin13) of the motor driver to D12 of the Arduino.

  13. Connect output 4(pin14) of the motor driver to D13 of the Arduino.

  14. Connect Vcc of the Bluetooth module to 5V of the Arduino.

  15. Connect the ground pin of the Bluetooth to ground 2 of the Arduino.

  16. Connect the transmit pin (TXD) of the Bluetooth to D0 of the Arduino.

  17. Connect the receive pin (RXD) of the Bluetooth to D1 of the Arduino.


Bluetooth Voice Application:

To give the voice commands to the Bluetooth, you need a software terminal that takes voice inputs. Download and install the "BT voice control for Arduino" from the google play store on your phone. Open the application and give voice commands.


After assembling the hardware, run the code in Arduino IDE. Give the voice commands to the Bluetooth voice application on the phone. The voice command is processed by the code in Arduino IDE. The wheels connected to the motors move according to the voice command given by the user.

The motor driver controls the motor movement according to the code processed by the microcontroller. Since the prototype is portable, lithium-ion batteries power the circuit. The following figures show the prototype of the voice automated car.

Bottom view of the prototype
Bottom view of the prototype

Top view of the prototype
Top view of the prototype

Video by - Neha Patil

Written by-

Name- Nagashree R Nadig

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Jul 29, 2023

Informative and concise! LearnElectronics India always delivers quality content.


Anushka Gupta
Anushka Gupta
Jul 19, 2023

Wow! This blog on voice automated cars by Learn Electronics India is simply outstanding. It provided me with in-depth knowledge about the technology and its potential impact on the automotive industry. Thanks for the informative read.

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