In this project, you will learn to interface a 4-digit 7-segment display using Arduino.
Hardware Components:
1. Arduino Uno:
#ArduinoUno board is used for interfacing the input-output elements to construct a project. It is an open-source microcontroller board that can be programmed according to user requirements.

2. 4-Digit 7-Segment Display:
A 4-digit 7-segment digital display is used to display decimal numbers in electronic devices like digital clocks, calculators, etc. To display any decimal number or a letter certain segments of the digit should be activated according to the segment table. The segment table and the pin-out representation are given below.

3. Resistor-220Ω:
The resistor is a passive electronic component that offers resistance to the current flowing through it. In this project, we use 220Ω resistors to reduce the current flowing through the digital display.

4. Breadboard:
A breadboard is a simple rectangular board that has many holes shorted in a specific manner. It is the construction base for implementing electronic projects. The holes are used to connect circuit components like ICs, capacitors, potentiometers.

Circuit Connections:

Connect the D4 of the display to the D3 of the Arduino via a 220Ω resistor.
Connect the D3 pin of the display to the D4 of the Arduino via a 220Ω resistor.
Connect the D2 pin of the display to the D5 of the Arduino via a 220Ω resistor.
Connect the D1 pin of the display to the D6 of the Arduino via a 220Ω resistor.
Connect segment A pin of the display to D13 of the Arduino.
Connect segment B pin of the display to D7 of the Arduino.
Connect segment C pin of the display to D9 of the Arduino.
Connect segment D pin of the display to D10 of the Arduino.
Connect segment E pin of the display to D11 of the Arduino.
Connect segment F pin of the display to D12 of the Arduino.
Connect segment G pin of the display to D8 of the Arduino.
Declare the pins of the Arduino connected to the segments of the display as an integer segpin[].
Also, declare the pins of the Arduino connected to the digit pins of the display as an integer dpin[].
Now, declare an array to hold the segment table of the 4-digit 7-segment display.
Declare a timer variable and initialize it to 100 seconds.
In void setup(), begin the serial monitor output with a 9600 baud rate.
Using the for loop, set the segment pins and the digital pins to output mode.
In void loop(), print the "Enter number to be displayed:" statement.
In while loop, take the input number from the user.
Assign variables to the ones, tens, hundreds and thousands place of the numeral given as input.
Using for loop, set the necessary segments to high or low value to get the output on the 4-digit 7-segment display.
When a numeral input is given to then the necessary segments are set to high and the numeral is obtained as the output on the 4-digit 7-segment display.

Check the Project Working video here - Interfacing with 4-Digit 7-Segment Display using Arduino | Arduino: 4-Digit 7-Segment Display
Video by- Anupama Koley
Written by-
Name- Nagashree R Nadig
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