Home automation using TV remote is a simple DIY project in which a remote is used to control the electronic appliances in home or office. In this project we use a remote control (to simply ON and OFF) various electronic devices, thus acheiving a central home automation system. It is a concept where a single device is used to operate many aspects that we encounter in our daily routine like switching on and off different devices, temperature monitoring, fire alarms etc., Now a days remote controls has been a part of our daily routine but the remotes that we encocunter regularly in our home are specific i.e., the remote is specific in controlling a particular device. But, in this project we control various appliances with a single remote control.
Hardware Requirements:
1. Arduino UNO: The Arduino is a programmable #microcontroller, it's an open-source electronics proto-type platform. It interacts with the user by receiving input with the aid of sensors and provides the output employing LED, buzzer, etc.,

In order to know more about the Arduino UNO, go through this article.
You can purchase Arduino UNO here.
2. VS838 IR Sensor: An infrared sensor is an electronic device, that emits IR radiation in order to sense some aspects of the surroundings. An IR sensor can measure the heat of an object as well as detects the movement. In this project we will be using VS838 IR sensor.

You can purchase VS838 sensor here.
2 channel relay module: In this project we aim to control ac powereddevices like fans and lamps. Since the output of the Arduino UNO is only 5V, we cannot directly control these devices. We can do this acivity by using a relay module. A relay module is a device which requires little amount of current to switch ON and can control larger current devices.

You can purchase 2 channel relay module here.
4. Jumping Wires: Jumper wires are used to establish connections between different components in the circuit.

You can purchase Jumping wires here.
Software Requirements:
Arduino IDE:

The Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a cross-platform application (for Windows, macOS, Linux) that is written in functions from C and C++. It is used to write and upload programs to Arduino compatible boards, but also, with the help of third-party cores, other vendor development boards.
Circuit Connection and its Working:
Circuit connection involves the following steps:
The left most pin(signal pin) of the IR receiver is connected to the digital pin number 11 of the Arduino.
Ground of the IR receiver is connected to the ground of the arduino.
The 5V supply of the IR sensor is connected to the Vin pin of the Arduino.
The ground of the 2 channel relay module is connected to the ground of the Arduino, Vcc is connected to the 5V of the Arduino.
IN1 and IN2 are the two pins which control the two relay modules and these pins are connecte to the digital pin numbers 9 and 8 of the Arduino respectively.
Each channel has a closed pin, common pin and an open pin. The common pin is connected to one terminal of the ac bulb and the other terminal will be connected to one terminal of the power supply. Open pin of the relay is connected directly to neutral of the power supply.
In the same way the other AC bulb is also connected.
Code Explanation:
Check the Project working video here - Home automation using TV Remote || Controlling Home Appliances using IR Remote and relay module
Video By - Farhan Ahamed
See Also:
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