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Digital Clock Using 8051 Microcontroller

Writer's picture: Sanskruti AshtikarSanskruti Ashtikar

Updated: Dec 7, 2024


Digital clocks are ubiquitous in our daily lives, from wall clocks to microwave displays. This article details the design, components, and implementation of a digital clock using the 8051 microcontroller. The project uses a seven-segment display or an LCD to show the time, which is updated in real-time using an internal timer.

Components Required

  1. 8051 Microcontroller: The core processing unit for the project.

  2. Seven-Segment Display / LCD Module: To display the time.

  3. Real-Time Clock (RTC) Module (Optional): For accurate timekeeping.

  4. Push Buttons: For setting the time.

  5. Resistors, Capacitors, and other Passive Components: For building the supporting circuitry.

  6. Power Supply: To provide necessary voltage to the circuit.

  7. Programming Cable and Software: For uploading the code to the microcontroller.

Working Principle

The 8051 microcontroller keeps track of the time using its internal timer or an external RTC module. The time is displayed on a seven-segment display or an LCD, and push buttons are used to set the current time.

Circuit Design

  1. Microcontroller (8051): The core of the project, interfaced with the display and buttons.

  2. Seven-Segment Display / LCD: Shows the current time.

  3. Push Buttons: Allow the user to set the hours and minutes.

Circuit Diagram

Here's a simplified connection outline:

  • 8051 Microcontroller Pins:

  • P1: Connected to Data Lines of the Seven-Segment Display / LCD.

  • P2: Control Lines for the Display.

  • P3.0 - P3.1: Connected to push buttons for setting hours and minutes.

Software Implementation

  1. Initializing I/O Ports: Set up ports for controlling the display and reading button inputs.

  2. Timer Initialization: Set up the timer to update the time.

  3. Display Update: Continuously update the display with the current time.

  4. Button Handling: Increment hours and minutes based on button presses.

#include <reg51.h>
sbit HR_BTN = P3^0; // Define hour set button connected to P3.0
sbit MIN_BTN = P3^1; // Define minute set button connected to P3.1
unsigned char hours = 0; // Variable to store hours
unsigned char minutes = 0; // Variable to store minutes
unsigned char seconds = 0; // Variable to store seconds

void delay(unsigned int time);
void display_time(void);
void main(void) {
    TMOD = 0x01; // Timer0 in mode 1 (16-bit timer mode)
    TH0 = 0x3C; // Load higher 8-bits of 1 sec delay
    TL0 = 0xB0; // Load lower 8-bits of 1 sec delay
    TR0 = 1; // Start Timer0
    ET0 = 1; // Enable Timer0 interrupt
    EA = 1; // Enable global interrupt
    while (1) {
        if (HR_BTN == 0) { // Check if hour set button is pressed
            delay(1000); // Debounce delay
            if (hours == 24) {
                hours = 0;
        if (MIN_BTN == 0) { // Check if minute set button is pressed
            delay(1000); // Debounce delay
            if (minutes == 60) {
                minutes = 0;
void timer0_ISR(void) interrupt 1 {
    TH0 = 0x3C; // Reload higher 8-bits of 1 sec delay
    TL0 = 0xB0; // Reload lower 8-bits of 1 sec delay
    if (seconds == 60) {
        seconds = 0;
        if (minutes == 60) {
            minutes = 0;
            if (hours == 24) {
                hours = 0;

// Function to display time on the seven-segment display or LCD
void display_time(void) {
    // Code to send hours, minutes, and seconds to the display
    // Example for 7-segment: send hours/10, hours%10, minutes/10, minutes%10, etc.
// Delay function
void delay(unsigned int time) {
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < time; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 1275; j++);


  1. Timer Setup: The timer is configured to generate an interrupt every second, incrementing the seconds counter.

  2. Time Update: When the seconds counter reaches 60, it resets to 0 and increments the minutes counter. The same logic applies to the hours counter.

  3. Button Handling: The buttons for setting hours and minutes are debounced using a delay. When pressed, the corresponding counter is incremented and the display is updated.

  4. Display Function: This function is responsible for sending the current time to the seven-segment display or LCD. The exact implementation will depend on the type of display used.


A digital clock using the 8051 microcontroller is a classic project that combines principles of microcontroller programming, timer interrupts, and display interfacing. This project can be enhanced by adding features such as an alarm function, using an RTC module for more accurate timekeeping, or incorporating a battery backup to maintain time during power outages.

This guide should help you get started on your digital clock project. Happy building!

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