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DC Motor Control Using 8051 Microcontroller

Writer's picture: Sanskruti AshtikarSanskruti Ashtikar

Updated: Dec 6, 2024


DC motors are widely used in various applications, from household appliances to industrial machinery, due to their simplicity and ease of control. This article explores the design and implementation of a DC motor control system using the 8051 microcontroller. This system allows for precise control over the motor's speed and direction, making it suitable for a variety of applications.

Components Required

  1. 8051 Microcontroller

  2. DC Motor

  3. L293D Motor Driver IC

  4. PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Module

  5. Push Buttons

  6. Potentiometer

  7. Power Supply Unit

  8. Miscellaneous (Resistors, Capacitors, Diodes, etc.)

Circuit Diagram

The circuit diagram involves connecting the DC motor to the 8051 microcontroller through the L293D motor driver IC. Push buttons and a potentiometer are used to control the motor's speed and direction. Here is a brief overview of the connections:

  1. 8051 Microcontroller: The core processing unit that generates PWM signals to control the DC motor.

  2. L293D Motor Driver IC: Interfaced between the microcontroller and the motor to drive the motor.

  3. DC Motor: Connected to the output of the L293D motor driver IC.

  4. Push Buttons: Used to change the direction of the motor.

  5. Potentiometer: Used to vary the speed of the motor.

  6. Power Supply: Provides power to the motor and the microcontroller.

Working Principle

The DC motor control system operates by generating PWM signals to control the speed and using digital signals to control the direction of the motor. Here's a step-by-step working principle:

  1. Initialization: The 8051 microcontroller initializes all peripherals, including the motor driver and input controls.

  2. PWM Signal Generation: The microcontroller generates PWM signals of varying duty cycles to control the motor's speed.

  3. Direction Control: Push buttons are used to set the direction of the motor by toggling the inputs to the L293D motor driver IC.

  4. Speed Control: The potentiometer adjusts the duty cycle of the PWM signal, thereby controlling the speed of the motor.

Software Implementation

The software for the 8051 microcontroller can be written in Embedded C. Below is a sample code snippet to illustrate the main functionalities:

#include <reg51.h>
// Define pins for motor driver
sbit IN1 = P2^0; // L293D Input 1
sbit IN2 = P2^1; // L293D Input 2
sbit EN = P2^2;  // L293D Enable
// Define pins for control inputs
sbit Button1 = P3^0; // Button to set direction clockwise
sbit Button2 = P3^1; // Button to set direction counterclockwise
sbit Potentiometer = P1^0; // Analog input for potentiometer

void delay_ms(unsigned int ms) {
    unsigned int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < ms; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 123; j++);
void pwm_control(unsigned char duty_cycle) {
    EN = 1; // Enable motor driver
    while (duty_cycle--) {
        IN1 = 1; // Set high
        IN2 = 0; // Set low
        IN1 = 0; // Set low
        delay_ms(10 - duty_cycle); // Rest of the cycle
void main() {
    unsigned char speed;
    while (1) {
        if (Button1 == 0) { // Clockwise direction
            IN1 = 1;
            IN2 = 0;
        if (Button2 == 0) { // Counterclockwise direction
            IN1 = 0;
            IN2 = 1;
        // Read potentiometer value to set speed
        speed = Potentiometer;

Detailed Explanation of Code

  1. Initialization: The motor driver pins, control input pins, and the potentiometer are defined.

  2. Delay Function: A delay function is defined to create necessary delays in milliseconds.

  3. PWM Control Function: The pwm_control function generates a PWM signal with a duty cycle corresponding to the desired speed. The duty cycle is controlled by varying the high and low states of the motor driver enable pin.

  4. Main Function: The main function continuously checks the status of the push buttons to set the motor direction. The potentiometer value is read to set the motor speed using PWM control.

and Benefits

  1. Robotics: Precise control of DC motors in robotic arms and wheels.

  2. Industrial Automation: Used in conveyor belts, fans, and pumps.

  3. Home Appliances: Found in washing machines, dryers, and other motor-driven devices.

  4. Automotive Systems: Used in power windows, seat adjustments, and other motor-based mechanisms.


A DC motor control system using the 8051 microcontroller provides an efficient and reliable solution for controlling motor speed and direction. By leveraging the capabilities of the 8051 microcontroller and the L293D motor driver IC, such systems can be easily implemented and customized for various applications. As technology advances, DC motor control systems will continue to play a critical role in automation and control systems across different industries.

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