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Automatic School Bell System Using PIC Microcontroller

Writer's picture: Sanskruti AshtikarSanskruti Ashtikar

Updated: Dec 31, 2024


An automatic school bell system is an essential tool for maintaining a structured schedule in educational institutions. It automates the ringing of bells at specific intervals, ensuring that school sessions and breaks are adhered to without manual intervention. This article explores the design and implementation of an automatic school bell system using a PIC microcontroller. The system can be programmed to ring bells at predefined times, providing a reliable and efficient solution for school time management.

Overview of the Project

The project involves designing a system that uses a PIC microcontroller to control a bell based on a pre-set schedule. The system includes real-time clock (RTC) functionality to keep track of time, and the microcontroller triggers the bell at specified intervals. This can be achieved with additional components such as an RTC module and a relay to control the bell.

Components Required

Circuit Diagram

Here is a basic circuit diagram for the automatic school bell system:

PIC16F877A   ---->   DS1307 (RTC Module)  ---->  Relay Module   ---->  Bell/Buzzer
   |                                |
   |                                |
  [GPIO]                         [I2C Interface]
   |                                |
   |                              Power Supply
  [Relay Control]
  1. PIC Microcontroller (PIC16F877A):

  2. Controls the overall operation and communicates with the RTC module to get the current time.

  3. Sends control signals to the relay module to activate the bell.

  4. RTC Module (DS1307):

  5. Maintains the current time and provides this information to the microcontroller via I2C communication.

  6. Relay Module:

  7. Controls the bell or buzzer based on the signals from the microcontroller. It acts as a switch to turn the bell on or off.

  8. Bell/Buzzer:

  9. The output device that rings or sounds when the relay is activated.

Working Principle

  1. Time Keeping:

  2. The RTC module (DS1307) keeps track of the current time. It communicates with the PIC microcontroller using the I2C protocol to provide the time data.

  3. Time Checking:

  4. The PIC microcontroller continuously checks the current time against predefined schedule times (e.g., start and end of classes, breaks).

  5. When the current time matches one of these predefined times, the microcontroller sends a signal to the relay module.

  6. Bell Control:

  7. The relay module receives the signal from the microcontroller and activates the bell or buzzer.

  8. The bell rings for a specified duration to indicate the start or end of a period.

Programming the PIC Microcontroller

The microcontroller is programmed using Embedded C or Assembly language. Below is an example of a basic code snippet in Embedded C for this project:

#include <pic16f877a.h>
#include "ds1307.h" // Include RTC library
#define RELAY PORTCbits.RC0 // Define relay control pin
// Function prototypes
void init_system();
void check_time_and_ring_bell();
void main() {
    while(1) {
        __delay_ms(1000); // Check time every second
void init_system() {
    TRISC = 0x00; // Set PORTC as output for relay control
    RELAY = 0;    // Initialize relay to off
    i2c_init();   // Initialize I2C communication
    rtc_init();   // Initialize RTC module
void check_time_and_ring_bell() {
    unsigned char hour, minute;
    // Read current time from RTC
    hour = rtc_read_hour();
    minute = rtc_read_minute();
    // Example schedule: Ring bell at 8:00 and 15:00
    if ((hour == 8 && minute == 0) || (hour == 15 && minute == 0)) {
        RELAY = 1;  // Turn on relay
        __delay_ms(5000); // Bell rings for 5 seconds
        RELAY = 0;  // Turn off relay

Explanation of the Code

  • init_system(): Initializes the microcontroller, I2C communication, and RTC module. Sets the relay control pin as output.

  • check_time_and_ring_bell(): Reads the current time from the RTC module. Checks if the time matches the predefined schedule and controls the relay accordingly.

  • rtc_read_hour() and rtc_read_minute(): Functions to read the current hour and minute from the RTC module. These functions would be part of the RTC library.

Advantages of an Automatic School Bell System

  • Automated Scheduling: Reduces the need for manual bell ringing, ensuring that schedules are followed precisely.

  • Reliability: Provides consistent performance and reliability in ringing bells at the correct times.

  • Flexibility: Allows for easy adjustment of the schedule by modifying the code or configuration.

  • Time Management: Helps in maintaining an organized and efficient school schedule.


An automatic school bell system using a PIC microcontroller is a practical and efficient solution for managing school schedules. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can design and implement a system that automates the ringing of bells based on a pre-set schedule. This project demonstrates the integration of real-time clocks with microcontrollers and provides a reliable tool for educational institutions to maintain order and punctuality.

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