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4-Channel Relay Board Using PIC Microcontroller

Writer's picture: Sanskruti AshtikarSanskruti Ashtikar

Updated: Jan 28


Relay boards are essential components in electronics for controlling high-power devices or isolating different parts of a circuit. A 4-channel relay board can control up to four devices independently, making it suitable for applications such as home automation, industrial control, and automated switching systems. In this article, we will explore how to design and implement a 4-channel relay board using a PIC microcontroller, providing a comprehensive guide on the components, circuit design, and programming.

Overview of the Project

The project involves designing a 4-channel relay board that can be controlled using a PIC microcontroller. The microcontroller will send control signals to the relay board to switch connected devices on or off. The relay board will be capable of handling AC or DC loads, making it versatile for various applications.

Components Required

Circuit Diagram

Below is a basic circuit diagram for a 4-channel relay board controlled by a PIC microcontroller:

  |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |
  |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |
  |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |
  |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |
  |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |
  |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |
  |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |
  |      |       |      |       |      |       |      |
   ---------      ---------      ---------      ---------
    Relay1         Relay2         Relay3         Relay4
     |               |              |              |
    |C|             |C|            |C|            |C|
    |E|             |E|            |E|            |E|
    |B|             |B|            |B|            |B|
    ------------------            ----------------
       1kΩ Resistors
  1. Relay Module:

  2. The relay module contains four relays, each with three terminals: Normally Open (NO), Normally Closed (NC), and Common (COM).

  3. The relay module is controlled by the microcontroller through transistors that act as switches.

  4. Transistors:

  5. NPN transistors are used to drive the relays. The base of each transistor is connected to a GPIO pin of the PIC microcontroller through a resistor (typically 1kΩ).

  6. The emitter of the transistor is connected to ground, and the collector is connected to one side of the relay coil.

  7. Diodes:

  8. A diode (e.g., 1N4007) is connected across each relay coil to protect the transistors from voltage spikes caused by the inductive load of the relay.

  9. Power Supply:

  10. The relay module and microcontroller are powered by a suitable DC power supply (typically 5V).

Working Principle

  1. Controlling Relays:

  2. The PIC microcontroller sends control signals to the base of the transistors through its GPIO pins.

  3. When a GPIO pin is set high, it turns on the corresponding transistor, which energizes the relay coil and closes the relay contacts.

  4. This allows current to flow through the connected device, turning it on. Conversely, setting the GPIO pin low deactivates the transistor, opening the relay contacts and turning off the device.

  5. Relay Protection:

  6. Flyback diodes are used across the relay coils to protect the transistors from high voltage spikes generated when the relay is de-energized.

Programming the PIC Microcontroller

The microcontroller is programmed using Embedded C or Assembly language. Below is an example of a basic code snippet in Embedded C for controlling the 4-channel relay board:

#include <pic16f877a.h>
// Define relay control pins
#define RELAY1 PORTCbits.RC0
#define RELAY2 PORTCbits.RC1
#define RELAY3 PORTCbits.RC2
#define RELAY4 PORTCbits.RC3
// Function prototypes
void init_system();
void control_relay(unsigned char relay, unsigned char state);
void main() {
    unsigned char i;
    while(1) {
        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            control_relay(i, 1);  // Turn on relays one by one
            control_relay(i, 0);  // Turn off relays
void init_system() {
    TRISC = 0x00; // Set PORTC as output for relay control
    PORTC = 0x00; // Initialize PORTC to 0 (all relays off)
void control_relay(unsigned char relay, unsigned char state) {
    switch (relay) {
        case 0: RELAY1 = state; break;
        case 1: RELAY2 = state; break;
        case 2: RELAY3 = state; break;
        case 3: RELAY4 = state; break;

Explanation of the Code

  • TRISC: Configures PORTC as output to control the relay module.

  • PORTC: Initializes all relay control pins to 0 (turns off all relays).

  • control_relay(): A function that takes a relay number and state (on or off) to control the specified relay.

Advantages of a 4-Channel Relay Board

  • Versatility: Can control up to four independent devices, making it suitable for various applications.

  • Isolation: Relays provide electrical isolation between the microcontroller and high-power devices, protecting the microcontroller from high voltages.

  • Ease of Use: Simple interface with the microcontroller, allowing for straightforward control of multiple devices.


A 4-channel relay board using a PIC microcontroller is a powerful tool for controlling multiple devices or appliances. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can design and implement your own relay board, providing a reliable and versatile solution for various automation and control applications. This project demonstrates the practical use of microcontrollers in interfacing with high-power components, offering a foundation for more advanced control systems.

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