All the products listed below are codes files for various electronics projects.
Controlling the brightness of an LED with Raspberry Pi | PWM-Project Codes
DHT11 sensor with Raspberry pi and LCD-Project Codes
Sending Mobile Notification Alert for Fire using Raspberry Pi and Blynk - IoT
Fire Alert using Push Mobile Notification - IoT Project Codes
Using Telegram Bot with Raspberry Pi - Sharing Text and Files project code
automatic door opening system using Arduino Uno-project code
Password Protected Security System project using Arduino, Keypad, Piezo Buzzer a
Arduino DIY Calculator using a 4*4 Keypad and 16*2 LCD Display project code
Fire Alarm System Project using Arduino, Temperature & Gas Sensor - Project Code
How to read a Digital Value from Arduino using Push Button-project code
How to control an LED using Push button and Arduino-project code
Controlling Home Appliances using Arduino and HC-05Bluetooth module-project code
Interfacing the Arduino with an 8 multiply 8 LED Matrix-project code
Controlling LEDs using IR Remote and Arduino UNO on TinkerCAD-project code
Making a calculator using Arduino and 4 * 4-project code Keypad