All the products listed below are codes files for various electronics projects.
IoT Smart Bulb using NodeMCu and Blynk App - Project Code
IoT Weather Station project using NodeMCU - Project Code
SMS alert using IOT - Esp8266 - Project Code
Gmail Alert using IOT - Esp8266 -Projec Code
Notification Alert using ESP8266 - IoT-project code
Smart Parking System-project code
Digital voltmeter using Arduino-Project code
Smart Lighting System - IoT Prototype using Blynk App project code
Smart Lights System using ThingSpeak IoT Cloud and Raspberry Pi-Project Codes
Fire Alert to Gmail using Raspberry Pi - IoT-Project Codes
SMS Alert for Fire using Raspberry Pi - IoT project code
Fingerprint Sensor-based Attendance System-Project Codes
Interfacing servo motor with RPi- Project Codes
Controlling Raspberry Pi's GPIOs using the Telegram bot-Project Codes
IoT - Distance measurement using Ultrasonic Sens working & Raspberry Pi- Project