All the products listed below are codes files for various electronics projects.
Interfacing Temperature Sensor with Arduino using TinkerCAD - Project Code
Controlling Servo motor with Joystick - Project Code
Smart Walking Stick for the Blind - Project Code
Interfacing IR sensor with Arduino and Relay - Project Code
Motion Controlled Colour Changer -Project Code
Automatic Hand Sanitizer - Project Code
Controlling PWM of LED using a potentiometer -Project Code
Bluetooth module HC-05 with Raspberry Pi -Project Code
Make a Smart Lighting System with 3 LEDs using HC-05,RPi & mobile - Project Code
Voice Automated Cars - Project Code
smart lights - Using LED's, LDR and Raspberry Pi - Project Code
Fingerprint Sensor-based attendance system using Raspberry Pi - Project Code
Controlling LED using Blynk App - IoT Project- Project Code
How do DC motor working with Arduino UNO using TinkerCAD? - Project Code