All the products listed below are codes files for various electronics projects.
Home Automation Project using ESP32 & Blynk Cloud project code
LCD interfacing with arduino using Bit Manipulation project code
Interfacing 16*2 LCD with Raspberry Pi using an I2C backpack - Project Code
Fingerprint Sensor with Raspberry Pi - Project Code
Interfacing 4*4 Keypad with a Raspberry Pi - Project Code
IMU Sensor with Raspberry Pi - Project Code
Project Code Controlling stepper motor with Joystick Sensor and project code
Controlling DC Motor with IR remote - Project Code
Servo motor with IR remote and Arduino - Project Code
Smart Hand Sanitizer using TinkerCAD - Project Code
Trafficlight system using the Arduino - Project Code
DIY thermometer using attiny85 - Project Code
Tilt Sensor with Arduino Uno - Project Code
Smart lights-Arduino-Controlling an LED & Buzzer using LDR-Project Code
Light Intensity Measurement using LDR sensor,Arduino on TinkerCAD - Project Code