
May 4, 20233 min

How to Install ESP8266 Library in Arduino IDE

Updated: May 4

Are you looking for a way to run Arduino code on ESP8266? In this Instructable, we will guide you through the process of installing the Arduino IDE software for ESP8266. By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to upload and run your Arduino code on ESP8266.

NodeMCU - ESP8266 Board

Step 1: Installing Arduino IDE Software

First, you need to install the Arduino IDE software from the official website. You can download the software from http://www.arduino.cc/en/main/software.

Step 2: Arduino IDE Icon

After installing the Arduino IDE software, an icon will be created on your desktop, as shown in the figure.

Arduino IDE

Step 3: Opening Arduino IDE

Click on the Arduino IDE icon to open the Arduino window, as shown in the figure.

Open the Arduino IDE

Step 4: Preferences

Open the File and click on the Preferences option, as shown in the figure.

Select File->Preferences in Arduino IDE

Step 5: Adding ESP8266 Board Manager

To add the ESP8266 board manager, enter the following URL in the Additional Boards Manager: http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json. Click OK to confirm.

Add ESP8266 Board Manager URL

Step 6: ESP8266 Board Package(Install ESP8266 library in Arduino IDE)

Scroll down the Boards Manager window to the bottom until you see the module with the name ESP8266. Select the module, choose the version, and click on the Install button. Once it is installed, it will show "Installed" in the module, as shown in the figure. Then close the window and you have installed the ESP8266 library in Arduino IDE.

Install ESP8266 library in Arduino IDE

Step 7: Selecting ESP8266 Board

To run the ESP8266 with Arduino, select the Board: “Arduino/Genuino Uno” and then change it to NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module) or any other ESP8266 modules that you have. You can do this by scrolling down, as shown in the figure.

Select NodeMCU board

Step 8: Connecting ESP8266 to the PC

Connect the ESP8266 module to your computer through a USB cable, as shown in the figure. When the module is connected to the USB, the COM port is detected. For example, COM5 is shown in the figure.

Connect NodeMCU with Laptop

Step 9: Selecting COM Port

Click on tools to select the port: “COM” based on which ESP8266 module is connected to your respective COM port of the computer. To select the COM port, refer to the previous steps.

Choosing COM Port in Arduino IDE

Step 10: Uploading the Program to ESP8266 Module

You can now upload your program to the ESP8266 module.

Uploading code to Arduino IDE

Your program should work and you can start experimenting plus creating DIY projects with ESP8266 but in case you are still facing issues then you may refer to the below steps:

Step 11: Adding Libraries

If you need to add libraries to the Arduino, follow the example path shown in the figure: C:\Users\LearnElectronicsIndia\Documents\Arduino\libraries. Enter into the libraries folder, then paste the file in that folder.

ESP8266 Library

Step 12: More References

For more information, visit the following links: https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino

Want to learn more about ESP8266 & create amazing DIY Projects then check out these links:

Youtube Videos, Blogs

Want to learn about Arduino and create Arduino projects then check out these links:

Youtube Videos, Blogs

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