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All you need to know about sensor technology

Updated: Sep 25

All you need to know about sensor technology

Sensors are one of the better innovations done by ourselves. Firstly, Sensors were invented by Eric R. Fossum an American physicist and engineer knew for the CMOS image sensor.

#Sensors are accessible to recognize a wide assortment of real-world properties. The sensor items sense everything around them utilizing sensors and they can be amazingly exact, devour less power, and are cheap to install and maintain. Sensors are ending up being fundamental parts in making new value for their process and particular businesses.

So in this article, we will discuss briefly the sensor. The sensor detects the object and its measurements which further converts to signals which are shown in the display in a readable format. There are so many types of sensors in the current market mostly sensors are used for industrial purposes.

Sensor technology in the industry

In #Industry, there are different types of processes like physical, chemical, #electrical, or mechanical advances that bring about the assembling of an item. Exceptionally created process ventures have very much characterized and reported processes. It is fundamental to persistently quantify, and precisely control, the status of every production process to maintain a strategic distance from unintended part changes and precarious production conditions.

It is additionally significant for the accomplishment of a process to expand the presentation of basic equipment by monitoring the condition of production equipment and utility offices and performing the ideal maintenance of the executives. That is the reason industrial sensors and instruments are intended for both process monitoring and asset monitoring.

Types of sensors

There are a lot of sensors present but we classify here the most frequently used sensors in a wide range they are radio sensors, Humidity sensor, fluid velocity sensor, pressure sensors, thermal sensors, proximity sensors, optical sensors, position sensors, chemical sensor, environment sensor, magnetic switch sensor, etc.

Sensors and their applications

Speed sensor: It is used to detect the speed of a particular object. There are a lot of speed sensors like speedometers, pitometers, LIDAR, ground speed radar, etc.

Application of speed sensor

Speed synchronization is based on the project named PIC microcontroller of various motors in enterprises utilizing remote technology is a regular use of the speed sensor. One of the different motors in the industry is considered as a principle motor that goes about as transmitter and the remaining motors going about as recipients, will follow the speed of the primary motor.

The fundamental motor and collector motors utilized in this venture are BLDC motors that are controlled utilizing PWM control with the radio recurrence remote correspondence mode.

Reference RPM is given to each motor shaft which has an IR sensor mounted and a shut circle is acquired by taking care of this yield to the controller in the circuit. Max throttle will be shown in the display view unit and the required speed of everything motors can be gotten by entering the ideal rate utilizing the keypad. This entered rate is coordinated with running RPM by keeping up suitable DC power to motor with programmed modification of the pulse width yield of the microcontroller. Hence, by differing speed of transmitting motor, we can change the speed of all motors utilizing this technology of speed sensor

Ultrasonic sensor: Ultrasonic sensor principle is like sonar or radar in which translation of echoes from radio or sound waves to assess the properties of an objective by producing the high- frequency sound waves (around 40kHz). The transducer utilized for changing over energy into ultrasound or sound waves with ranges above human hearing extent is called an ultrasonic transducer.

Application of ultrasonic sensor

The circuit comprises an ultrasonic module, LCD, and microcontroller. The ultrasonic module is interfaced with the microcontroller and this ultrasonic transducer comprises a transmitter and beneficiary. The waves sent by the transducer are gotten back again after the waves are reflected from the item. The speed of sound is considered for working time taken for sending and getting waves. The separation is determined by executing a program on the microcontroller, and afterward, it is displayed on the LCD.

Future sensor technology

The separation estimation at unavailable areas is one of the many of the advancements that will happen in sensors. We will keep on seeing improvement along with miniaturization of scaling down, execution, and cost for digital and remote sensing. There will likewise be an expanding accentuation on intelligent sensing which will able to utilize the on-board sensor abilities to investigate information and send 'crucial information' instead of essentially 'enormous information'.

Sensor multiplication and sensor combination will keep on quickening as security inside the IoT improves and makes it more secure to send significant #information. That will improve distant working capacities. While that is occurring, the utilization of sensors to customer gadgets will drive down costs and improve execution. Thusly that will prompt appropriation in different enterprises and open up applications that were already unrealistic from a cost angle. From a technology viewpoint, nanosensing offers a promising way to a genuine disturbance, as do sensing polymers and advances in spectroscopy dependent on #optical sensors.


Sensors are an emergent solution which is being used widely for industrial automation. It is mainly focussed on machine vision technology. The use of sensors can increase safety and secure the environment. So we can say that sensor technology is placed in great technological innovations. But sensor technology has its own uniqueness.


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2 Kommentare

Anushka Gupta
Anushka Gupta
26. Juli 2023

This article by Learn Electronics India has truly opened my eyes to the boundless possibilities of sensor technology. The way they explain the intricate workings of various sensors, along with their applications, is both engaging and enlightening. Kudos to the author for presenting such complex concepts in a clear and approachable manner.

Gefällt mir

22. Juli 2023

Brilliant explanation! Thanks, LearnElectronics India!

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